

Niemeyer, K. and Keightley, E. (forthcoming) in Wang, Q and Hoskins, A. (eds.) The Remaking of Memory in the Age of Social Media and the Internet. Oxford University Press.

Hornabrook, J., Clini, C., Keightley, E. (forthcoming) ‘’ in Sandilya, R., Bandyopadhyay, S. and Sengupta, J. (eds) Looking Back at the Bengal Partition:  History and Memory.’

Keightley, E. and Clini, C (2022) ‘Personal photography, vernacular memory, and the management of postcolonial experience’ in Pentzold, C. and Lohmeier, C. (eds) The German Handbook of Memory Studies. De Gruyter.

Keightley, E. (2022) ‘Rethinking technologies of remembering for a postcolonial world’, Media, Memory and Mind. Forthcoming

Giese, J. and Keightley, E. (2022) ‘Dancing Through Time’. Memory Studies (in press)

Clini, C., C., Hornabrook, J. and Keightley, E. (2021) ‘Televising the Partition of British India: Memory, Identity and the Privatization of the Past in 70th Anniversary Commemorative Broadcasting’ Media History. DOI 10.1080/13688804.2021.1958672

Hornabrook, Jasmine, Dr Clini Clini and Emily Keightley. (2021) ‘Creative Methods: memory, methodology and the postcolonial imagination’ in Emma Bell, Sunita Singh Sengupta and Tim Butcher (eds.), Empowering Methodologies in Organisational and Social Research, Routledge: Abingdon.

Keightley, E. (2021) ‘Visualising loss: Memory, Absence and the Transcultural Limits of Photography’. In Pentzold et al (eds) German Handbook of Memory Studies. De Gruyter.

Merrill, Keightley and Daphi (eds) 2020. Digital Media, Cultural Memory and Social Movements: Mobilising Remembrance, Palgrave Macmillan.

Hornabrook, Jasmine. 2020. ‘Song, Narrative, Belonging: The place of song in the oral histories of Sri Lankan Tamil women in London’ in Shilpa D. Bhat (ed.), Alien Domicles: Diasporic Inquiries into South Asian Women’s Narratives, Rowman and Littlefield: Lexington. Pp. 179-199.

Hornabrook, Jasmine. 2019. ‘Gender, New Creativity and Carnatic Music in London’, Tina K. Ramnarine (ed.), Dance, Music and Cultures of Decolonization in the Indian Diaspora, South Asian Diaspora. 11(2): 193-208. DOI: 10.1080/19438192.2019.1568663 (also being published as a book by Routledge, forthcoming 2020).

Clini, Dr Clini, “Poverty, (neo)orientalism and the cinematic representation of “Dark India”, in ASNEL Papers, Volume 25: Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World, forthcoming 2020.

Helen J Chatterjee, Dr Clini Clini, Beverly Butler, Fatima Al-Nammari and Cornelius Katona, “Exploring the psychosocial impact of cultural interventions with forcibly displaced people”, in Elena Fiddiam- Qasmiyeh, ed., Refuge in a Moving World, UCL. Forthcoming 2019.

Clini C, Thomson LJM, Chatterjee HJ. Assessing the impact of artistic and cultural activities on the health and well-being of forcibly displaced people using participatory action research. BMJ Open 2019.

Niemeyer, K. and Keightley, E. (2019) ‘The commodification of time and memory: Online communities and the dynamics of commercially produced nostalgia’. New Media and Society

Keightley, E. (2019) ‘Beyond acceleration: power-chronography, zones of intermediacy and the category of space’. in Hartmann and Deckner (eds) Mediated Time. Palgrave Macmillan.

Pfoser, Alena and Keightley, Emily. (2019) ‘Tourism and the dynamics of transnational mnemonic encounters’. Memory Studies.

Keightley, E and Pickering, M. (2018) ‘Interscalarity and the Memory Spectrum’, in Parks and Maurantonio. Communicating Memory & History, Peter Lang.

Keightley, E. and Pickering, M. (2017) ‘The Mnemonic Imagination and Our Re-experience of the Past’ Oxford Handbook of Imagination and Culture. OUP

Clini, Dr Clini. “Voyages à Bollywood: (trans)nationalisme et identité à l’ère de la globalization”, in Patricia-Laure Thivat, eds., Voyages et exils au cinéma, rencontres de l’altérité, Presses Universitaire du Septentrion, 2017.

Brah, Avtar and Clini, Dr Clini, “Contemporary feminist discourses and practices within and across boundaries: an interview with Avtar Brah for Genre, sexualité & société”, in Feminist Review, 117 (1), pp.163–170, 2018.

Clini, Dr Clini. “From Bollywood to ‘Hindipendent’ Films: Narrating the Indian Diaspora”, in Nilufer E. Bharucha, Sridhar Rajeswaran and Klaus Stierstorfer, eds., Beyond Borders and Boundaries: Diasporic Images and Re-presentations in Literature and Cinema, CoHaB IDC: University of Mumbai and CASII: Bhuj-Kachchh 2018, pp 248-266.

Clini, Dr Clini. “Diasporic dreams and shattered desires: displacement, identity and tradition in Deepa Mehta’s Heaven on Earth”, in Louis Bayman and Natalia Pinazza, eds., Journeys On Screen: Theory, ethics and aesthetics, Edinburgh University Press. 2018.

———. 2017a. “Listening to North Indian Classical Music: How Embodied Ways of Listening Perform Imagined Histories and Social Class.” Ethnomusicology 61 (2): 207-233.

———. 2017b. “Still, Silent Listening in India: The Meanings of Embodied Listening Practices.” In Listening to Music: People, Practices and Experiences, edited by Helen Barlow and David Rowland. The Open University.

Clini, Clelia. 2017a. “Home is a place you’ve never been to. A woman’s place in the Indian diasporic novel.” In Indian Literature and the World: Multi-lingualism, Translation, and the Public Sphere, edited by Rossella Ciocca and Neelam Srivastava.  Palgrave Macmillan, 263-281.

 ________. 2017b. “Voyages à Bollywood: (trans)nationalisme et identité à l’ère de la globalisation.” In Voyages et exils au cinéma, transferts et/ou ‘chocs’ culturels, edited by Patricia-Laure Thivat. Presses Universitaire du Septentrion, 191-208.

________. 2017c. “Where has our Country Gone? Reading The Last Word after Brexit.” SynergyJournal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, University of Bucharest 13 (1): 86 – 99.

________. 2016. “Punjabi Films and Bollywood Cinema. Contested Notions of Inter/Dependence.” In In/dépendance des cinémas indiens.  Cartographies des formes, des genres et de régions, edited by Amandine D’Azevedo and Térésa Faucon. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 24-29.

Alaghband-Zadeh, Chloë. 2015. “Sonic Performativity: Analysing Gender in North Indian Classical Vocal Music.” Ethnomusicology Forum 24 (3):349–79.

________. 2015. “InterNational Terrorism? Indian Popular Cinema and the Politics of Terror.” Critical Studies on Terrorism 8 (3): 337-357.

________. 2014. “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed. Indian Films, British Networks and the Sikh Diaspora in Italy.” Comparative Critical Studies 11 (2): 203-217.

Keightley, Emily. 2012. Time, Media and Modernity. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Keightley, Emily, and Michael Pickering. 2012. The Mnemonic Imagination: Remembering as Creative Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

———. 2013. Research Methods for Memory Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

———. 2017. Memory and the Management of Change: Repossessing the Past. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Pickering, Michael, and Emily Keightley. 2015. Photography, Music and Memory: Pieces of the Past in Everyday Life. Springer.

Conference Papers & Invited Talks

Keightley, E. (2021) ‘Researching the communicative dynamics of postcolonial memory’ Bournemouth University.
Keightley, E. (2021) ‘Mobile Memory, Media, and Migration: Constructing Identities in Postcolonial Times’, Datafied Living Seminar Series, University of Copenhagen
Keightley, E. (2021) Research methods for Postcolonial Memory Studies, Nottingham Trent University Keightley, E. (2021) The communicative dynamics of diasporic memory (or towards a postcolonial memory studies), Transcultural Mobilities and memories conference, Braga, University of Minho (Keynote).
Hornabrook and Clini, C. 2020. ‘Questioning silence in the Bengali Diaspora’ at Rethinking the politics of memory in South Asia. Swedish South Asian Studies Network (online).
Clini, C. and Hornabrook, J. 2019. ‘’Memory, Arts, Participation: a comparative analysis of everyday arts and creative participation in South Asian Britain’ at Immigration, Cultural Participation and New Forms of political Solidarity: Global Perspectives. Liege, September 2019.
Keightley, E. 2019. ‘Mnemonic Mobilities: Researching Diasporic Memories of Partition in the UK’ Memory Studies Association Conference, Complutense University, Madrid.
Keightley, E. 2019. ‘Creative Methods in Studying Memory and Change’ Empowering Methodologies. Open University, Milton Keynes.
Keightley, E. 2019. ‘Rethinking Partition Memory in the UK: Colonial Nostalgia and the Politics of Integration. University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Keightley, E. 2018. ‘Memory, media and the problem of transmission’. University of Southern Norway, Oslo.
Keightley, E. ‘Transmission, Transition and Trajectory: Temporal and Spatial Challenges for Memory Studies’. 2018. University of Coimbra, Portugal
Keightley, E. Alaghband-Zadeh, C. and Clini, C. Migrant Memory and the Postcolonial Imagination. Creative Interruptions Workshop (AHRC) University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. November 2017. Keightley, E. Mnemonic Mobilities: Researching Diasporic Memories of Partition in the UK, Mobile Socialities: International Research Workshop at KV Lund University, April 2018 Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Alaghband Zadeh, C., Clini, C. and Keightley, E. Partition and Colonial Nostalgia: Exploring Engagements with Media Representations of Partition at ‘Undoing Partition’ at University of Warwick, May 2018.
Keightley, E. Media, memory and diaspora: Investigating Partition memory in South Asian communities in the UK. International Communication Association, Prague May 2018.
Keightley, E. Reimagining Memory. Bishwo Sahitto Kendro annual conference. Queen Mary University, July 2018.
Keightley, E. Memory, media and the Problem of Transmission. University of Southern Norwary, Bo. Oct 2018.
Clini, C., Alaghband-Zadeh C. and Keightley, E. Televising Partition: Memory, Identity and the Privatization of the Past. European Communication Research and Education Association Conference, Lugano. October 2018.